2015-16 Goalie Training
Due to popular demand from our clients, we have made our Academy Clinic goalie training services more accessible. New throughout the 2015-16 hockey season, we’re offering our progressive development plans at a very low cost.
All of our Academy Clinic goalie training takes place on the Studio pad at the Minto Skating Centre on Monday evenings from October 2015 to March 2016.
Goalie Training Schedule
Academy Clinics for the Novice and Atom groups are scheduled as 1-hour time slots on Mondays at 7:15 pm. 1-hour Academy Clinic goalie training sessions for the Peewee, Bantam, and Midget groups are scheduled for Mondays at 8:15 pm.
2015-16 Academy Clinic Pricing
Having children playing hockey is expensive enough for parents. Starting at $40 to develop within our 2015-16 Academy Clinics, we’re offering some of the best goalie training value in the city to ensure that our students may participate within our programs, without breaking the bank for their parents.
Looking to have your child receive even more hands-on goalie training, feedback, and motivational coaching? We’ll attend our student’s team practices via the “Train Me” bundle to work with them in a private or semi-private environment, resulting in the maximization of efficiency with their time spent at the rink.
6 Session Training Package
Novice & Atom: 6 Academy Clinic Sessions for $240 + HST
Peewee, Bantam, & Midget: 6 Academy Clinic Sessions for $330 + HST
“Train Me” Bundle
Novice & Atom: 6 Academy Clinic Sessions + 4 Semi-Private Sessions for $440 + HST
Peewee, Bantam, & Midget: 6 Academy Clinic Sessions + 4 Semi-Private Sessions for $660 + HST
Program Registration
Space within our upcoming goalie training sessions is limited, and registration for this service is now open. Please contact us for a list of our complete training schedule, and to reserve spots within our program.
Stay in the Loop
Upon contacting us to register into our upcoming goalie training, be sure to have us add you to the distribution list for our newsletter in order to receive notifications of new promotional offers, helpful article and video content to further your understanding and advancement, and upcoming goalie training programs.
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